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CHAS Accredited Company

CHAS Accredited Pest Control Company

Pest Solutions are an official CHAS Accredited Pest Control Company. CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) is the body which provides accreditation to contractors looking to prove that they comply with the industry standards for health and safety processes.

Pest solutions have reaffirmed their commitment to protecting their staff and clients at all times by becoming CHAS accredited, certifying excellence in all our health and safety practices.

There are no legal requirements for a company to hold CHAS accreditation, but many clients will refuse to work with those without the certification in place.

CHAS is the UK’s leading compliance and risk management provider and ensure that their members are following the ever-changing regulations regarding risk management and health and safety.

Being a member of CHAS protects companies from falling foul of the UK’s health and safety standards, protecting staff working in the field and the company itself from facing non-compliance penalties or legal issues.

What is CHAS Accredited Status?

CHAS provide accreditation to companies to verify that they have the appropriate risk management regulations in place and follow a strict management plan to prevent accidents or malpractice occurring on the job.

Being CHAS accredited will reassure clients and other contractors that a company is reliable and safe to use, and they are more likely to hire them to work on their site. In many industries, CHAS accreditation is a pre-requisite for contractors and companies will choose their contractors exclusively from the CHAS approved.

They are a part of the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) forum, a group of the best risk and health and safety assessors in the country, meaning that a CHAS accreditation also indicates that a company works in compliance with the SSIP core criteria.

This means that all other SSIP members will also recognise the company as competent and prevents them from having to have a huge number of different assessments carried out at great time and cost.

Benefits Of Becoming CHAS Accredited

If you run a business of any kind, you know just how important it is to have the right health and safety protocols in place.

Without accreditation though, you will be the only person who knows just how much time and thought has gone into ensuring that your work is conducted in a safe and responsible way.

Demonstrating that you comply with all the relevant health and safety regulations in your industry is key and there is no better way to do this than through CHAS accreditation.

Here are just some of the wide-ranging benefits of becoming a CHAS accredited company:

Gain More Work:
In certain industries, including Pest Control, CHAS, or similar SSIP accreditation, is a pre-requisite for any client looking for a potential contractor to carry out work on their suite. Failing to become CHAS accredited, could, therefore, put you at a major disadvantage when vying with your competitors for business, even if you know that your work is of a superior quality.

As a small to medium sized business, especially one that is just starting out, the cost of accreditation can seem like an unnecessary expense, packages range in cost but given the access to a significant portion of your target market that this provides, this is an investment more than worth taking.

At Pest Solutions, by becoming CHAS accredited, we have given confidence to all our clients, both existing and future, that we can be trusted to carry out work to the highest possible standard whilst taking all the necessary precautions to protect those nearby.

Improve Standards
When applying for CHAS accreditation, you will need to review your existing health and safety protocols and practices and make any necessary changes to ensure that your application is successful.

Doing this isn’t only helpful for securing accreditation, however, and will ensure that your staff feel much safer whilst on the job.
It will also significantly reduce the risk of any workplace accidents.

Improve Morale:
Paying close attention to working conditions not only helps reduce the risk of injury amongst your staff, but it also shows them that they are valued as employees.
The process of applying for CHAS accreditation, therefore, can improve employer/employee relationships that results in increased company loyalty and increased productivity.

For companies such as Pest Solutions, where our success is based on the family ethos it is crucial that all our staff feel safe and valued whilst carrying out their work.

Maintaining A Good Reputation:
An incident resulting as a result of poor health and safety protocols could not only lead to potentially extremely expensive legal ramifications, it could also do serious damage to your company’s reputation.

If a member of staff, or a member of the public is harmed as a direct result of poor practice and the news is spread in the local media or via word of mouth throughout your target audience, securing future business will be extremely difficult.

Becoming CHAS accredited will make best practice an integral part of your day-to-day activity and significantly reduce the chances of a nightmare situation such as this taking place.

The truth is that many start-up companies simply never recover from a single incident due to the negative impact on their reputation. It simply isn’t worth the risk.

Pest Solutions – Becoming CHAS Accredited

The process of becoming CHAS accredited can initially seem daunting to prospect members but the benefits of success are worth the effort.

Given the importance of compliance with health and safety regulations, however, it is essential that bodies such as CHAS are incredibly thorough in their assessment of each company.

That said, the process of applying in itself is not actually that difficult and certainly shouldn’t be a reason for a company not to acquire this highly valuable accreditation.

Here is a quick breakdown of the 6-step process that is required to become CHAS accredited:

  • Step 1: Register on the CHAS website
  • Step 2: Provide some basic information about your business such as name, address, and number of employees (Much of this will be auto filled from Companies House)
  • Step 3: Choose a CHAS accreditation Level – There are 3 accreditation packages available from CHAS giving companies a range of choices depending on their specific requirements.
    These are:

    • CHAS Standard – Entry level membership including health and safety assessment, self-certifies insurance and SSIP accreditation.
    • CHAS Advanced – Comes with accreditation for meeting both SSIP and PAS 91 requirements
    • CHAS Elite – The highest level of accreditation offered by CHAS. CHAS Elite includes the Common Assessment Standard alongside SSIP and PAS 91 accreditation. This is the UK construction industry’s pre-eminent prequalification system, standardising accreditation across 13 risk management areas. This level of accreditation is most suitable for construction companies.
  • Step 4: Assessments: Depending on which of the above accreditation levels you commit to, there are a certain number of assessments to complete. This could be anywhere from 1-13 different assessments. In order to become CHAS accredited you must complete all required assessments and have them approved by a CHAS assessor. You must also submit documents and policies that show your company’s compliance with the required standards that could include health and safety policies, risk assessments, inspection findings, insurance documents, and PAT test reports.
  • Step 5: Assessor Review. An assessor reviews all applications within 48 hours of submitting either electronically, through an on-site audit, or via the SSIP scheme. If successful your company will join the thousands of others who have proven their commitment to maintaining the highest health and safety standards. If not, you will be able to reapply and adapt your processes to resolve the issues identified during the assessment.
  • Step 6: Full Accreditation. Once you have passed all the required assessments you will become fully CHAS accredited and have access to all the benefits of membership.

Clients will also recognise your proven commitment to health and safety standards and be more likely to secure additional business as a result.
Your company will also appear on the CHAS member search section of the CHAS website.

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WATCH: Rats Run Riot in Glasgow City Centre! Urgent Action Needed to Stop Rodent Rise.
Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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