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2022 UK National Pest Awards Finalists

National Pest Awards Finalists 2022

It is that exciting time of the year again when the National Pest Awards Finalists are announced. The National Pest Awards 2022 are a great opportunity for the UK pest control industry to come together to recognise and promote the hard work, dedication and professionalism of our leading companies, local authorities and individuals that strive to protect the public health of our nation.

Read about the National Pest Awards 2023 Finalists Here…

In the 2022 Awards, Pest Solutions are proud to be represented by nominated finalists in 3 categories by 4 entries.

National Pest Awards 2022 Finalists - Pest Solutions - Company of The Year

The team at Pest Solutions are especially proud as champions of young professionals and women in the pest control industry to see graduate team members Chloe Smith and Gemma Sutherland both nominated as 2 of the 3 finalists in the “Young Pest Controller of The Year” category.

The winners will be announced at the awards dinner that will be held on the 8th of September at the Hilton London Bankside Hotel, which has 8 categories, with three finalists nominated for each. This great opportunity to celebrate professionalism and excellence will bring the UK industry pest control industry together.

Organised by Pest Magazine, The National Pest Awards was launched to promote, reward and recognise excellence and good practice in the UK pest control industry and reinforce pest control as a career of choice for the next generation of pest controllers.

This year’s National Pest Awards were well engaged by the industry with participation up and a record number of entries to the awards received this year.

Pest Solutions Proud To Be Nominated As 2022 Award Finalists

At Pest Solutions, our team is our strength. We are committed to building well by bringing in the right people, creating the right culture for them to thrive and supporting their growth & personal development. We are a customer service company first and a pest control company second. Building this mindset has resulted in a team that delights in excellent customer service; as a result, professionalism is the by-product.

We have our recruiting focus based on “Attitude First” and training for skills. Finding people who want to be the best and supporting them with the right training framework. This is a simple but innovative strategy for our success. Our team has risen to the challenge of being at the forefront of professionalism within the industry. This has been transformative and allows us to attract the right talent to build upon.

Our team at Pest Solutions has grown to 39, with 18 new jobs created in the last 12 months as we have continued to grow sustainably. By hiring the best people available, almost 40% of our service team are female in an industry with an average of 4.5% female representation.

We would like to congratulate the other finalists on their nomination and wish them every success at the award ceremony. Well done, and we look forwards will be celebrating the business achievements of all the finalists.

Large Company of The Year Finalist

Pest Solutions are proud to be recognised as a finalist in the 2022 “Large Company of The Year” category at the National Pest Awards.

Sponsored by Bell Laboratories, the “Large Company of The Year” award acknowledges an outstanding business, which employs more than 20 technicians. The judges were looking for demonstrations of excellence and professionalism, delivering outstanding customer service with a range of products to suit their customer base.

Large Company of The Year Finalist - Pest Solutions - National Pest Awards 2022

Judges wanted to see a commitment to enhancing the personal skills and knowledge of their staff by keeping technicians up-to-date with learning for the benefit of the business and customers.

It is a great honour to be nominated as a finalist in the National Pest Awards “Company of The Year” category in 2022 after being nominated as finalists in the 2021 and 2019 company category. As the awards used to be every 2 years and are now annual this means that this is the 3rd time in a row that Pest Solutions as a company have nominated as finalists.

We are yet to be able to win in this category as we have been up against great competition but we consider it a validation of the success of our business strategy to be consistently amongst the best companies in the UK. This has been a goal of our management team at Pest Solutions in order to inspire our team to keep pushing forwards in professionalism and delivering great customer service every day.

We are delighted to have progressed from the small business of the year category in 2021 to the Large company of the year category in the 2022 National Pest Awards seeing our business double in size in the last 13 months and move from 19 team members to 39.

Our entire team strive to be customer focussed and our goal is to be a customer service company first and a pest control company second. It is great to be nominated finalists alongside the team from Beaver Pest Control, a great company that we work very closely with to deliver a national service throughout the UK.

The team at Pest Solutions would like to congratulate Rokill and our friends at Beaver Pest Control on their nomination and wish them every success at the award ceremony. Well done, and we look forwards to a fun evening celebrating whichever company wins.

The 2022 National Pest Awards finalists for “Large Company of The Year” are:

Best of luck, and keep up the excellent customer service.

Thanks to Bell Laboratories for their sponsorship of this award.

Young Pest Controller of The Year Finalist – Gemma Sutherland

Pest Solutions are proud to see team member and Graduate Technician, Gemma Sutherland, be recognised as a finalist in the 2022 “Young Pest Controller of The Year” category at the National Pest Awards.

Sponsored by Bayer Environmental Science, the “Young Pest Controller of The Year” award recognises the contribution that young pest controllers bring to the sector while emphasising the importance of attracting new people to the industry.

Young Pest Controller of The Year Finalist - Gemma Sutherland - National Pest Awards 2022 - Pest Solutions

Judges wanted to see an exceptional commitment to enhancing personal skills and knowledge, by keeping up-to-date with learning for the benefit of the business and customers.

Gemma joined Pest Solutions in January 2021 as a Graduate Service Technician. She graduated with a BSc(hons) in Zoology from Glasgow University during the initial Covid19 lockdowns.

Gemma has firmly established herself working as a technician in the extremely challenging area of the West End of Glasgow where bait shyness and behavioural resistance are common challenges that many struggle to overcome.

Being a young woman in the pest control industry she faced some prejudice from customers with a few even asking for an older, more experienced person. With team support and her strong determination, she overcame by delivering results for customers and demonstrating unquestionable professionalism.

Using skills and a love of animal Biology and Behaviour she worked hard to learn as much as she can about how to overcome these issues. In doing this she has won massive respect from her colleagues, customers, and local environmental health officers.

Awarded Pest Solutions “Young Technician of The Year” Award 2021 only narrowly missing out to Kevin Pugh on our “Technician of the Year” Award.

Gemma spoke at the BPCA 80th Anniversary event at Parliament preparing and delivering her own speech on encouraging young people and women to consider a rewarding career in the pest control industry.

The 2022 National Pest Awards finalists for “Young Pest Controller of The Year” are:

  • Chloe Smith – Pest Solutions
  • Gemma Sutherland – Pest Solutions
  • Joe Strong – Beaver Pest Control

Best of luck to Joe, Gemma & Chloe.

Thanks to Bayer Environmental Science for their sponsorship of this award.

Young Pest Controller of The Year Finalist – Chloe Smith

At Pest Solutions, we are delighted to have team member and Graduate Technician, Chloe Smith, also be recognised as a finalist in the 2022 “Young Pest Controller of The Year” category at the National Pest Awards.

Sponsored by Bayer Environmental Science, the “Young Pest Controller of The Year” award recognises the contribution that young pest controllers bring to the sector while emphasising the importance of attracting new people to the industry.

Young Pest Controller of The Year Finalist - Chloe Smith - National Pest Awards 2022 - Pest Solutions

Chloe graduated with a BSc (hons) in Psychology from the University of Stirling in 2017 and with an MSc in Environmental Health Science from the University of Strathclyde in 2018.

Chloe has established herself with unquestionable professionalism working as a technician in the extremely challenging area of the City Centre of Glasgow where bait shyness and behavioural resistance are common challenges that many struggle to overcome. She has had the opportunity to explore a lot of new baiting techniques and remote monitoring systems.

She is productive but maintains high quality. She won Pest Solutions’ “Service Quality Excellence” Award 2021.

Chloe is driven and professional, friendly, and outgoing. She goes the extra mile and is passionate about her role as a professional woman in the industry. She has the reputation from colleagues of being machine-like in her work ethic.

The 2022 National Pest Awards finalists for “Young Pest Controller of The Year” are:

  • Chloe Smith – Pest Solutions
  • Gemma Sutherland – Pest Solutions
  • Joe Strong – Beaver Pest Control

It is great to see 3 exceptional finalists representing the young professionals that are the future of our industry.

Thanks to Bayer Environmental Science for their sponsorship of this award.

Pest Controller of The Year Finalist – Stefan Polatajko

Pest Solutions are proud to see Advanced Technician, Stefan Polatajko, recognised as a finalist in the 2022 “Pest Controller of The Year” category at the National Pest Awards.

Sponsored by Edialux, the “Pest Controller of The Year” award recognises those that have shown the highest level of professionalism and commitment. They will also be well informed about new and existing products and will be expected to provide examples of how they innovate to deliver for their customers.

Judges also wanted to see clear evidence of how technicians keep up-to-date with ongoing learning and how this knowledge benefits the business they work in.

Pest Controller of The Year Finalist - Stefan Polatajko - National Pest Awards 2022 - Pest Solutions

Since joining Stefan has firmly established himself with the reputation of being a true professional. As a positive and supportive colleague to his team members, he has gained the respect of our team and is considered in the highest regard by his customers.

Stefan has gained a reputation for being able to solve even the most technical and stubbornly entrenched infestation.

He aspires to achieve the Certified Field Biologist and RSPH Level 3 Award in Pest Management. He is also working on his portfolio submission for BPCA Master Technician when he reaches the prerequisite 10 years in the role.

Always keen to take new colleagues under his wing and makes every effort to pass on the knowledge, skills and experience he has gained.

Our team at Pest Solutions have a close working relationship with our friends at Beaver Pest Control and we are delighted to see James Wood nominated as a finalist in the Pest Controller of The Year category for the second year running. Best of luck James and keep up the great work.

The 2022 National Pest Awards finalists for “Pest Controller of The Year” are:

  • James Wood – Beaver Pest Control
  • Matthew Shaw – Vergo (Terminix)
  • Stefan Polatajko – Pest Solutions

We wish all 3 finalists every success on the evening of the awards dinner.

Thanks to Edialux for their sponsorship of this award.

2022 National Pest Awards Finalists

The National Pest Awards 2022 black-tie dinner ceremony, which will take place at Hilton London Bankside Hotel on the 8th of September 8, has 8 categories, and finalists for each category have been announced. Pest Solutions are proud to have four finalists represented over 3 categories.


The awards organisers have reported a record number of entries this year. The event aims to celebrate the success and achievements of professional businesses and individuals in the UK pest control industry and is hosted by Pest Magazine.

Our entire team would like to congratulate all of the 2022 finalists and wish everyone the best of luck for the awards event. For our Pest Solutions and our great team members to be considered finalists in three categories with 2 finalists in the “Young Pest Controller of The Year” category is a great honour, especially as we are amongst such strong competition and other worthy finalists.

The full list of 2022 National Pest Awards Finalists & Award Sponsors are as follows:

Pest Business of the Year, sponsored by Syngenta

  • The winner of this category will be chosen from the winners of the Large Company, Small Company, Local Authority and Sole Trader of the Year.

Large Company of The Year, sponsored by Bell Laboratories

Small Company of The Year, sponsored by Killgerm Chemicals

  • Hillbans Pest Control
  • Integrum Services
  • London Network for Pest Solutions

Sole Trader of The Year

  • AML Pest Control
  • Fast Track Pest Control
  • Ripley Pest Management

Local Authority of The Year

  • Herefordshire County Pest Control
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Sunderland City Pest Control

Pest Controller of The Year, sponsored by Edialux:

  • James Wood – Beaver Pest Control
  • Matthew Shaw – Vergo (Terminix)
  • Stefan Polatajko – Pest Solutions

Young Pest Controller of The Year, sponsored by Bayer Environmental Science:

Sustainability Initiative of The Year, sponsored by BASF:

  • Buzz Off
  • Luton Borough Council
  • PGM & Son Pest Control

Unsung Hero of The Year:

  • Dan White – Vergo (Terminix)
  • Laurence Barnard – Killgerm
  • Tom Lindsay – Vergo (Terminix)
  • Visuvalingman Patmanathan – Aberkil
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Family – Oecophoridae
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