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Get Rid of Rats Now

How to Get Rid of Rats

Rats are some of the most frustrating, dangerous, and common pest species in the UK, and numbers are going up in almost every urban area across the nation.

How to get rid of rats

Professional pest control is by far the most efficient way to get rid of rats quickly. Snap traps, bait stations, live traps, and responsible rodenticide usage can help to get rid of rats when used properly in the correct way.

These pests breed rapidly, carry nasty diseases, and can devastating property damage when left to their own devices so it is crucial you call Pest Solutions to get rid of rats the moment you spot rat activity on 0800 027 2555.


Get rid of rats with Pest Solutions

As a professional pest control company our BPCA pest controllers spend a lot of their time dealing with rats and other rodents and know exactly how to get rid of rats and make sure they don’t return.

We have access to all the latest pest control technology and training on the most effective way to control rats in a fast-action and responsible manner.

Responsible rodenticide usage, bait stations, rat boxes snap traps laced with the most effective rat bait, and habitat modification are just some of the highly effective methods that we have at our disposal and may form part of the comprehensive management strategy we create to eliminate your rodent problem once and for all.

Our multi-visit rat infestation removal service has a fantastic track record of eliminating large and small infestations of brown rats (Rattus Norvegicus) on both domestic and commercial properties.


Dangers of a brown rat infestation


Rats spread diseases

Rats are notorious disease spreaders, and have been responsible for the rapid spread of many global outbreaks throughout history.

The brown rat currently causing the majority of issues in the UK carry a number of nasty diseases including Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease), Salmonellosis, Hantavirus, and Capillariasis, and many more besides.

Diseases can be spread from rodent to humans in a number of different ways including direct contact, inhalation, food contamination and bites/scratches.


Rats cause property fires

Some of the favourite haunts of rats and mice are the inside of your wall cavities which just happens to also be where the electrical cables that power your home are housed.

When we say rats will chew through a anything, we mean anything and this includes live cables, creating sparks that do NOT get on well with the shredded paper they frequently use to build their nests. Many property fires every year occur as the result of rodents invading human inhabited buildings.


Property Damage

Rats are some of the most ungrateful and unpleasant house guests you will find and won’t hesitate to destroy your property once they have gained access, gnawing their way through walls, furniture, food, and pretty much anything else they can get their teeth on.

The faster you act, and call a pest control professional, the less expensive it will be to repair any damage that has been done, and the lower the risk of valuable or sentimental belongings coming under attack.



Ever tried to get to sleep with rats scuttling about inside your walls, ceiling, or under the floorboards?

Its not an easy task and can increase the stress and frustration of dealing with a rat infestation ten-fold. The noise of rats, can also be one of the first indications of an issue as these nocturnal pests will rarely emerge in the daylight unless their population has already grown extremely large.


How to spot a rat infestation

Look out for the following common signs of rat activity. The sooner you spot a problem, the easier and faster it will be to eradicate. Rodents are highly mobile and breed rapidly so a fast response is key if you want to keep the damage done to a minimum.

Brown rat, Rattus norvegicus

Look out for the following signs of a rat infestation on your property:

  • DroppingsBrown rats produce cylindrical droppings that are around 15mm in length and about 5mm in diameter.
  • Dirt Trails – Rats have poor eyesight and will often navigate by rubbing their bodies along the walls of their travel routes. If you see dirty marks on your skirting boards or along the bottom edge of cabinets, it may be an indication of rat movement.
  • Gnaw marks – Small gnaw marks on food packaging (rats like cereal products in particular), skirting boards, or wooden furniture are tell-tale signs that a rodent has been in the area in the recent past.
  • Smell – A large rat infestation will produce a pungent musty ammonia smell that comes from their urine. It is worth noting that the smell of rats can vary significantly depending on who you talk to.
  • Physical Sightings – If you see a rat in person, it is fair to say you probably have an issue requiring professional pest control. Rats are nocturnal and will rarely emerge in daylight so this is normally a sign of a rather significant infestation.

If you have seen any of these signs and are wondering how to get rid of rats permanently, call Pest Solutions now on 0800 027 2555.


Top Tips for Deterring Rats

If you have already dealt with a rat infestation in the past, or are lucky enough to have escaped so far, the last thing you want to do is encourage rats to return.

Besides monitoring the interior and exterior of your property for the tell tale signs of rat activity and calling a professional pest controller from Pest Solutions as soon as you spot them, there are a number of ways that you can deter rats from making you their next victim.

Rat infestations are almost always a consequence of human activity, and by taking some sensible precautions you can dramatically reduce the risk of a rat infestation.


Stop Feeding Wild Birds

We know its a shame, but if you want to keep your garden rat free, its time to stop putting food out for local wild birds.

Rats will almost always choose potential nesting sites in close proximity to reliable food sources, and a tube packed with bird seed that is refilled on a regular basis is a dream come true for these troublesome rodents.

Bird feeders attract rats, grey squirrels, feral pigeons and other pests in large numbers and once they are in your garden, a brown rat infestation inside your home is much more likely.

Unfortunately, even so called ‘rat proof bird feeders‘ are rarely a match for the persistence of rats and squirrels (although it is worth investing in some rodent proofing if you must feed birds) and as the reviews of such products will show, do little to prevent rodent activity.


Store Household Waste Responsibly

The incorrect disposal of food waste is another major cause of rat infestations, and a rise in littering as a whole has played a major part in increased brown rat activity in urban areas across the UK.

Only recently, our Glasgow pest control team were featured on BBC News discussing how they have seen a dramatic rise of rats in the city coincide with a rise in the amount of trash on the streets.

Rather than leaving bin bags lying around outside your home until bin day, make sure to store them away in sealed containers with a sturdy lid that even the strongest rat will be unable to shift.

Similarly, if you have a compost bin, make sure to pick one with a sturdy base to prevent rats from burrow in from beneath. Open compost heaps are a haven for rats and other animals.


Examine your Drain Inspection Covers

Broken, cracked, or damaged drain covers are not only a serious safety hazard, but also potential entry points for rats that may be living in the channels and sewer systems beneath. There is a reason that brown rats are also known as sewer rats after all.

Do a thorough visual inspection of the drain inspection covers that are surrounding your home, checking for holes, and call in the local council if you spot any.


Keep your garden clean

Overgrown areas, uncovered compost heaps, grassy banks and leaf piles are just a few of the potential nesting spots that brown rats will inhabit and keeping yards and gardens clean is a must in the battle against pest rodent activity in domestic and commercial properties.

Taking the time to keep both the interior and exterior of your home clean and tidy will take you a long way towards keeping your property brown and black rat free. it will also make it a lot easier to spot common signs of rodent activity.


What about Natural Deterrents for Rats?

Peppermint oil, eucalyptus essential oils and citronella are just some of the scents that rats have been found to dislike. Soaking cotton wool balls and placing them around your property, can help to make your home a less attractive place to rats and can disrupt their scent trails in high traffic areas.

However, whatever the internet may say, natural deterrents like these are simply no substitute for a professional pest control service and will do absolutely nothing to remove an existing rat problem.

If the scent of food is strong enough, most rats will simply ignore such attempts and we would never recommend trying to get rid of rats without the assistance of a BPCA accredited pest control professional.


How to Get Rid of Rats at Home

The fact is, you are very unlikely to be able to eliminate a rodent infestation using natural methods alone, and more powerful options such as poisoned bait can be extremely dangerous to humans, pets, and non target species when used by an untrained individual.

You could also find yourself in violation of wildlife protection legislation and in serious trouble with the authorities if you are found to have used rodenticides in an irresponsible manner. Using a single snap trap or other ‘DIY’ methods to get rid of rats is a bit like fighting against the tide and will barely make a dent in rodent populations even if you do manage to catch something.


Get rid of rats with Pest Control from Pest Solutions now

Act fast and your rat infestation will soon be a thing of the past thanks to the skills, knowledge, and expertise of the professional pest controllers here at Pest Solutions.

When dealing with rats, mice, squirrels, or any other pest species for that matter, calling a BPCA qualified pest control technician is ALWAYS the best course of action.

Say goodbye to unwelcome visitors and get rid of rats today by calling 0800 027 2555 now.


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Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
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