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Pest Solutions Adopt New FleetCheck Management System

Pest Solutions Adopt New FleetCheck Management System

Pest Solutions are pleased to announce that our ever growing fleet of vans will now be managed exclusively using FleetCheck, the UK’s most highly recommended fleet management software.

Fleetcheck and Pest Solutions


The Pest Solutions team are always on the move, nipping here and there across the nation tackling pest problems of all shapes and sizes. Our team spend each and every day keeping people safe and as a company it is our duty to ensure they are safe themselves when out in the field.

Adopting the FleetCheck management system makes doing so a whole lot more straightforward, allowing us to manage all our vehicles from one place and ensuring that each and every van we put on the road is legal and safe.


Why do we need Fleet Management Software?

We have a proud track record of dealing with pest issues quickly and putting measures in place on the very first visit that will swiftly get the situation under control and eradicate whatever infestation may have occurred.

Pest Solutions van


To do this, they need a couple of things. First the knowledge and expertise to identify the nature of the problem (no worries here!) and secondly the tools and equipment to implement a solution.

Fortunately, our team arrive on location in vans, carefully stocked with everything required to deal with all common pest problems found in the local area. We make sure that our people have all the very latest PPE, technologies, and pest management products required, but this only matters if we are able to keep our fleet on the road.

FleetCheck allows us to do just that, allowing our award winning office team to remotely monitor and manage all the vehicle and driver information remotely, and ensure that MOT’s, Services, Licence Checks, Inspections, and more are completed on time every time.


Why FleetCheck?

FleetCheck is the UK’s most highly recommended fleet management software, designed to massively reduce the legwork required to keep an ever growing fleet mobile by allowing a business to manage all vehicle and driver information from one central hub.

Pest Solutions FleetCheck Collaboration

Our team deserve nothing but the very best when it comes to the support they are given whilst out in the field.

From the suppliers we use to purchase our PPE and pest management equipment to the incredible office team we have put together, we are constantly striving to give our field operatives the platform they need to succeed.

It only made sense, therefore, for us to make the move to what is widely recognised as the UK’s leading fleet management software when looking for a more convenient way to manage our vans.

What made FleetCheck such a good match for us is the flexibility the software provides. We are constantly updating and upgrading our vans and with a fast growing team, we are frequently adding to the size of our fleet.

In fact, we just recently agreed a deal with Toyota for the purchase of a new van every single month. FleetCheck has the capacity to seamlessly add, remove, or update vehicles at any time and vehicles of all different sizes and types can be managed from within the software.

It allows the entire vehicle journey, from procurement to live tracking to be managed both from the driver’s phone and from our office in Glasgow and we are confident that it is the perfect management tool to handle the predicted growth we are expecting to undergo in the months and years to come.


Safety is our Number One Priority

We have lots of ambitions and goals as a company, but nothing we do on the business side of things is as important as our people going home safe and sound to their families at the end of the day.

We put ourselves through rigorous internal and external health and safety auditing to ensure that we are doing all we can to protect our staff when they are out in the field.

Fleet Check ensure that any issues with any of the vans in our fleet are reported and dealt with immediately and that nothing manages to slip through the net that could put someone at risk.

It also allows us to track things like MOT, Service, and Safety check dates from one place, rather than having to check each van individually, a task that our office team do well, but takes an unnecessary amount of time that would be better spent elsewhere.


A Big Step up in Sustainability

At Pest Solutions, we are taking huge strides in terms of sustainability and are constantly looking for any ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint.

Just recently we became the very first UK Pest Control firm to bring on board a Net Zero and Sustainability Coordinator in the form of the fantastic Maisie Bullock BSc (hons), MSc, demonstrating our commitment to creating a greener future for the entire pest control industry.

FleekCheck is yet another step in the right direction, and whilst we are not quite yet at a stage where we can move our entire fleet to electric vehicles, the management ensures that we keep emissions to an absolute minimum.

The moment an issue occurs that could result in a higher than expected fuel consumption, it will be flagged up and dealt with, ensuring that each vehicle is achieving its highest possible MPG and every drop of fuel is being used in the most efficient way possible.

Regular health checks and servicing are critical to the efficient running of any vehicle and with FleetCheck in place, none of these key tasks will be allowed to slip through the net.


What are the Benefits of FleetCheck for Pest Solutions?

We have been looking for a new fleet management system for a while and there were a few things about the exceptional FleetCheck platform that made it the perfect match for Pest Solutions.

benefits of FleetCheck

A few areas in which FleetCheck stands out from the crowd include:

Data Security

Data security is something that we take extremely seriously and we would only ever consider using a platform that kept financial, staff, and client information secure.

All the data processed through FleetCheck is encrypted and follows all the relevant ISO 27001 and GDPR guidelines.


Running a pest control business is very different to running almost any other kind of business, and whilst there are thousands of industries across the UK that require a fleet of vehicles, we have a very unique set of needs and requirements from a fleet management perspective.

For a start, we often carry equipment and tools that require a licence or specialised training to use, such as commercial grade pesticides or even firearms.

We have different insurance requirements as a result and need a fleet management system that can be custom built to meet our often slightly unusual compliance requirements.

FleetCheck isn’t a one size fits all fleet management app, it is a software that can be carefully tailored to meet the needs of each business and we have been hard at work making sure it does just that for us before we implement it.

We are now confident that we have found the perfect solution and so far the signs are extremely positive.

Collaboration Capabilities

We needed a system where both our drivers and our office team could input vehicle details and get key status updates on our vans.

However, whilst our office team need to be able to see every vehicle in the fleet to make strategic decisions, maximise safety, and ensure all the areas we serve are covered, our drivers simply need to be able to enter key data about their own van as easily as possible without wasting their valuable time.

FleetCheck lets us do this, giving our management team complete control over permissions and reducing the time and effort it takes for our technicians to update the system. A more streamlined system equals more time for our technicians and a better experience for our customers. Sounds like a no brainer to us.

Automatic Alerts

Any outstanding issues with any of our vans will be automatically flagged up through FleetCheck with custom alerts developed exclusively for Pest Solutions and bespoke reports delivered alongside each alert.

This will ensure that nothing is ever missed and that all safety work is carried out well ahead of any looming deadlines. At the end of the day, keeping our people safe matters more than anything else, and FleetCheck is another step along the road to guaranteeing we are able to do exactly that.


Building for the Future

The growth that we have experienced over the past few years here at Pest Solutions has been tremendous, but we are still only just getting started.

We have huge plans for expansion in 2024 and beyond and as more and more of the pest control industry’s top new and existing talent joins our ranks, it is vital we have the infrastructure in place to maintain the high level of support that has been a trademark of Pest Solutions up to this point.

FleetCheck integration will play a big part in that gives us the capacity to add many more vehicles and drivers to our ranks as we continue to grow.



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Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
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Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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