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Pest Solutions Company Awards 2023

Pest Solutions Company Awards 2023

It’s that time of the year again when Pest Solutions comes together as one to celebrate the achievements of our wonderful team and make exciting plans for the future of the company.

Our Q1 Service meeting is always a great event as our service, job and office staff travel to Glasgow from far and wide across the UK to catch up, reflect on the year just gone, and congratulate the winners of our annual company awards.

This year was no different and a huge congratulations to all the winners and nominees, who fully deserved their recognition for the excellent work they have done over the past 12 months.

It was a great occasion for all involved and a massive thank you to Pelsis and PestFix for sponsoring our 2023 awards and for making the event possible.

2023 was a great year for Pest Solutions as a company, recognised on the national stage as a finalist for Large Company of the Year at the National Pest Awards and as a finalist at the Lanarkshire Business awards for Customer Service Excellence.

Such recognition is only possible thanks to the fantastic work of each and every person in our team and it is only right that a special mention is given to some of those who have gone above and beyond in their commitment to delivering an exceptional service to our customers.

Without further ado, let’s jump right into the winners of the 2023 Pest Solutions awards.

Pest Solutions Award Winners 2023

Customer Feedback Award – Kevin Pugh  (Advanced Service Technician)

Pest problems are incredibly stressful for anyone to deal with, and providing relief to those in difficult situations is an incredibly rewarding feeling that fuels our technicians out in the field every single day. 

Recognition from colleagues or industry bodies is great, but nothing matters more than customer satisfaction, and no-one delivered that more frequently in 2023 than Kevin.

Kevin’s combination of experience, skill, and commitment to customer service is always going to be a recipe for success and with 153 positive reviews in 2023, you would be hard pressed to find a more deserving award winner.


Sales Lead Award – Stefan Polatajko (Assistant Technical Manager)

Sales is a key cog in any service business machine and the leads generated by our service team out in the field are vital to ensuring that the supply of business is enough to meet the demand of our ever growing team. 

Our team delivered this and more in 2023 and Stefan was a major driving force behind this success, with leads contributing significantly to the ÂŁ2m+ of new business delivered over the past 12 months.

2023 was Stefan’s first full year in his new role as Assistant Technical Manager and he has taken to the position like a duck to water.


Outstanding CPD Award – Kevin Pugh (Advanced Service Technician)

They say that practice makes perfect, and it is no coincidence that Kevin topped the charts for both customer reviews and CPD points in 2023. 

CPD points are awarded to BPCA members throughout the year upon the successful completion of training and Kevin’s impressive 306 CPD points is a testament to his continued commitment to personal development and delivering the best possible service to his customers.


State of Service Award – Chloe Smith MSc (Graduate Advanced Service Technician)

When you’re faced with a pest emergency, a quick resolution is all you are really looking for. If Chloe is the one who pays you a visit, you have hit the jackpot. 

Great planning and time management, combined with a heap of knowledge and expertise, are the fundamentals of a great pest controller and Chloe demonstrated them all in abundance in 2023 handling a packed schedule without ever dropping below an outstanding level of quality and customer service.


Service Quality Award – Stefan Polatajko (Assistant Technical Manager)

Anyone who has worked with Stefan will testify to the incredibly high standards he maintains at all times. 

Every single customer deserves the very best, and when nothing less than perfection is an option, Stefan is the one who steps up and delivers time after time, maintaining the highest level of customer service on jobs that are often audited and subject to external scrutiny.


Unsung Hero Award – Lewis Gordon (Administration Assistant)

Our team out in the field solving pest problems up and down the nation deserve every single accolade they receive but nothing we do would be possible without the work of our fabulous office team pulling the strings.

Pest controllers are not always an easy bunch to handle, but over the past two years Lewis has done an incredible job as part of our administration team. 

Ensuring our sales and service teams have everything they could possibly need to succeed; Lewis is a vital cog in the Pest Solutions team and has played a major role in building the platform upon which we have grown so significantly in recent times.


Top Contract Sales Award – Stevie McNeill (Account Manager)

Our commercial contracts are a huge part of our business, and a single big new client can make a huge impact upon our bottom line. 

The sales team are under tremendous pressure to deliver new clients throughout the year, and they do so with remarkable consistency. 

Since becoming an account manager in Edinburgh towards the end of 2022, Stevie has thrived in his new role, delivering record sales numbers, and has been integral to securing and retaining some of our top clients in the East of Scotland.


Account Manager of the Year – Davie Lamont (Account Manager)

Commercial clients are key to the success of Pest Solutions. If we can’t acquire and maintain these contracts, the growth we have achieved, and will continue to achieve, simply isn’t possible and our account managers are the key to doing just that.

There was no second season syndrome for Davie in 2023 as he picked up our Account Manager of the Year award for the second year running after joining the team from Rentokil back in 2021. 

Davie brings extensive experience to our accounts team and his track record of sales and account retention was as impressive as ever over the past 12 months.


Rookie of the Year – Rhae Lobban BSc (Graduate Service Technician)

With such a fast-growing team, rookie of the year is always an incredibly competitive award at Pest Solutions. 2023 was no different, with a number of outstanding candidates to choose from.

It is even more impressive, therefore, that Rhae picked up the award after joining us nearly halfway through the year, as a Trainee Graduate Service Technician in our Aberdeen team. 

Since joining the team Rhae has impressed colleagues and customers alike with her commitment and attitude and has thrown herself head first into her training alongside her excellent work in the field.

She was also the first person in the UK to pass the RSPH certificate in pest management via the British Pest Control Association.


Young Technician of the Year Award – Clara Guisan MSc (Graduate Advanced Service Technician)

In an aging industry dominated by the over 50s, we have made a huge effort to invest in the future of the pest control industry and have had tremendous success with our graduate scheme over the past few years. 

Clara epitomises that success, growing into a fantastic pest controller over the past couple of years as part of our Edinburgh team. 

Clara’s commitment, natural ability for pest control, and can-do attitude is everything we look for in a technician and made her a standout candidate for this award. 

With Clara’s commitment to training and passion for pest control, her rapid rise, whilst incredibly impressive, is no surprise to those who know her, and we can’t wait to see what her future holds at Pest Solutions.


Job Team Technician of the Year Award – Finlay Williamson (Job Team Technician)

Pest proofing keeps businesses up and down the nation running smoothly by halting pest problems in their tracks before they can materialise.

Finlay is the nemesis of rodents and pest birds across the North-East and has a fantastic track record of success keeping pests at bay on some of our biggest commercial sites.


Pest Solutions Ambassador Award – Siobhan Quinn (Domestic Account Manager)

Our people deserve to be championed and no-one does so better than Siobhan. Joining our office team in 2023 as Internal Sales Account Manager with a superb track record of telephone sales, Siobhan is the friendly voice you will hear when you call Pest Solutions in your time of need.

Selling domestic jobs at a rapid rate of knots, Siobhan has been one of the most exciting and successful additions to our team in recent times, reassuring customers and ensuring no-one is in any doubt over the talent and track record of our team of technicians.


Colleagues’ Colleague of the Year – Kevin Pugh (Advanced Service Technician)

Picked at the event itself, colleagues’ colleague of the year is always a feel good award with a shortlist of Pest Solutions staff nominated by their fellow team members. 

Being recognised by your peers is always a proud moment, especially when your peers are some of the top professionals in their industry, and there are always plenty of honourable mentions in this category. 

In the end, though, Kevin was the well-deserved winner of his third award of the day with his colleagues recognising the outstanding example he has set in terms of training and customer service, not to mention what a great guy he is to work with.

Technician of the Year (Robert Cagienard) Award – Iain Pendreich BSc (Graduate Advanced Service Technician)

Iain joined Pest Solutions back in 2022 and quickly displayed his pedigree as one of the top pest technicians in Scotland. 

Taking no time at all to get his feet under the table, Iain was exceptional throughout the whole of 2023, noted by his colleague and his many satisfied customers for his expertise and outstanding service. 

A worthy winner of our most prestigious award, Iain’s success will come as no surprise to anyone who has had the pleasure of working with him.

Congratulations to all our incredible award winners and here’s to another award winning year for Pest Solutions in 2024!

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22 years icon
Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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