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Championing Careers For Young Pest Professionals

World Youth Skills Day 2023

Pest Solutions are delighted to announce that we will once again be celebrating the professional pest control industry at World Youth Skills Day 2023 on the 15th of July, in partnership with our friends at ENVU and the British Pest Control Association (BPCA).

World Youth Skills Day 2023 - Pest Solutions - Envu - BPCA - Young Pest Professionals

Both ENVU and the BPCA are committed to bringing more young people into the pest control industry, and we couldn’t be prouder to have been asked to join them in this endeavour to celebrate World Youth Skills Day 2023.

At Pest Solutions, we have a fantastic track record when it comes to finding incredibly talented young people who have quickly become skilled pest control professionals thanks to a combination of natural ability, extensive training, and field experience.

Since 2014, World Youth Skills Day has taken place to highlight the importance of helping young people to find employment and express their entrepreneurship. As part of this wonderful event, companies from every industry that you could possibly imagine come together to introduce young people to potential careers that they may never have considered otherwise.

Pest Control is of these, but one we are passionate about sharing with others as we believe attracting fresh young talent is key to future success in a constantly changing and fast-moving industry.

World Youth Skills Day 2023 – Why Are Young People Needed In Pest Control?

The pest control industry is absolutely essential to protecting public health and protecting people and property from the severe threats that pest infestations can pose.

World Youth Skills Day 2023 - Celebrating Young Pest Controllers - Pest Solutions

When pests get too close to humans the damage they can do is terrifying, spreading disease, making property unsafe or uninhabitable, destroying crops, and generally making the lives of those nearby a living nightmare.

Pest controllers are the professional experts charged with protecting the public from these threats, using a combination of proven pest control techniques and habitat management.

In the words of Karen Dawes, BPCA Training and Professional Development Manager, speaking ahead of World Youth Skills Day 2023:

“Pest management offers a unique and fulfilling career opportunity. Pest control combines problem-solving skills, customer service, and the satisfaction of helping individuals and businesses maintain healthy and pest-free environments.”

Despite this, the public perception of pest control is not always a positive one. Some people believe that pest control companies are only interested in killing pest species, for example, and that the industry is too old-fashioned in its approach.

We are doing all we can to change this perception, working closely with the BPCA to increase professionalism and standards within the industry and investing heavily in young talent in an attempt to bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm into the field.

We have already seen tremendous success in this regard, with technicians from Pest Solutions scooping the “Young Pest Controller of the Year” Award at the National Pest Awards in both 2021 and 2022.

World Youth Skills Day 2023 - Young Pest Controller Of The Year Award - Pest Solutions

We are fully committed to maintaining and growing our team of young pest control experts who are taking the industry by storm and are a driving force behind our ambitions to become one of the largest independent pest control companies in the UK.

A Word From our Young Technicians on World Youth Skills Day 2023

Don’t just take our word for it that Pest Control is a great career path (we would say that, after all!), take the words of some of our young people who have already made great strides in their pest control careers.

Rhae Lobban BSc hons – Graduate Service Technician

Rhae Lobban joined Pest Solutions just this year as Graduate Service Technician after completing her degree (BSc hons Wildlife & Conservation Management) and spoke about her experience in the role ahead of World Youth Skills Day:

“No two days are the same. It’s very investigative, which I find very exciting. You have to pay close attention to the facts, and what customers say and consider all environmental factors, which often hold the key to the problems our customers face. One of the best ways to absorb the techniques and knowledge of this industry is practical learning. Give it your best, do not be afraid to make small mistakes and grow from them. Ask loads of questions and learn from your peers. Have the mind and attitude of a pest professional.”

Rhae Lobban BSc hons - Pest Solutions - World Youth Skills Day 2023

The team at Envu asked Rhae the following questions:

What is the most exciting thing about your job?

The variety. No two days are the same. It’s very investigative, which I find very exciting. You have to pay close attention to the facts, and what customers say and consider all environmental factors, which often hold the key to the problems our customers face.

What advice would you give to young people coming into the industry?

Get stuck in! One of the best ways to absorb the techniques and knowledge of this industry is practical learning. Give it your best, do not be afraid to make small mistakes and grow from them. Ask loads of questions and learn from your peers. Have the mind and attitude of a pest professional.

What is the best career advice you have been given?

That it is really important to have empathy and be able to read your customer. Self-confidence really helps. Making sure that the customer knows that you are the pest professional and that you are going to help deliver the solution to their problem helps. Your customer is number one and might be extremely anxious about their pest and need guidance and empathy. Being a friendly, upbeat professional helps ease a customer’s mind and helps you enjoy your job far more as well. Also, keep on learning and engaging in training.

An interesting fact about yourself?

I listen to a lot of metal music and love going to gigs with friends. I like juggling and slacklining. Slacklining is like tightrope walking, but easier. I’m probably outside right now, wildlife watching, walking or gardening. I grow fruit, veg and pollinator plants. I have a keen interest in biodiversity and soil science which go hand in hand. I am also a bit of a fungi fanatic & enjoy most outdoorsy activities.

William Trivett BSc hons – Graduate Advanced Service Technician

William Trivett (BSc hons Zoology) is another of our graduate success stories who is slightly further along his Pest Solutions journey than Rhae, having already achieved his BPCA Certificated Advanced Technician qualification.

“Every day is an engaging opportunity to help people with pest issues in their homes or business in order to protect public health. In my day to day, I take great enjoyment in getting people from a worried phone call about a pest issue to feeling safer in their home, sometimes just by simply answering some questions.

Pest management isn’t all doom and gloom, it can be a very engaging, interesting and rewarding career if you give it your all. I have been in pest management for almost 3 years and have seen so much change occur in such a relatively short time. This makes it a very exciting time to be in this industry. As a Zoology Graduate, I found this in pest management as I had an interest in animal biology & behaviour and entomology.”

William Trivett BSc hons - Pest Solutions - World Youth Skills Day 2023

The team at Envu asked William the following questions:

What is the most exciting thing about your job?

Every day is an engaging opportunity to help people with pest issues in their homes or business in order to protect public health. In my day to day, I take great enjoyment in getting people from a worried phone call about a pest issue to feeling safer in their home, sometimes just by simply answering some questions.

What advice would you give to young people coming into the industry?

Pest management isn’t all doom and gloom, it can be a very engaging, interesting and rewarding career if you give it your all. I have been in pest management for almost 3 years and have seen so much change occur in such a relatively short time. This makes it a very exciting time to be in this industry.

What is the best career advice you have been given?

Find a career role you can enjoy, and that keeps you engaged. As a Zoology Graduate, I found this in pest management as I had an interest in animal biology & behaviour and entomology. These interests have been encouraged in this industry and have made for a passionate career choice. I believe this will continue to be true as I progress in this industry.

An interesting fact about yourself?

I am a beekeeper in my spare time and have been for a few years now. Throughout my time in the pest management industry, I have done lots of work in Bee conservation and education.

World Youth Skills Day 2023 – Could A Career In Pest Control Be For You?

If you are looking for a career where no two days are the same, you get to provide relief to those in stressful and upsetting situations and can put your love for animal behaviour into action, becoming as pest control professional could be the perfect choice for you.

World Youth Skills Day 2023 - Careers In Pest Control - Pest Solutons - Envu - BPCA

Don’t worry if you haven’t considered pest control as a career in the past, either. This is completely normal, and many of our most successful pest control technicians acquired the skills and qualifications required to thrive in the industry without even realising it.

The main requirement for success as a pest professional is an open mind and a passion to learn and help others. Combine this with a background in biology or animal behaviour, a knack for problem-solving, and a love for meeting new people, and you could be exactly what we are looking for here at Pest Solutions.

We hire our trainees based on talent and attitude alone, no matter their age or experience and provide ample opportunities for career progression and enhanced learning to help those with a burning drive for success to achieve all their ambitions within the company.

What Sort Of Careers Are Available?

Pest controllers working in the field on a daily basis to rid our customers of pest problems and protect them against future ones are just one cog in the machine that is Pest Solutions. A pretty important cog, it must be said, but there are a huge range of different career paths available within our organisation and the industry as a whole.

Pest Control career options include:

  • Pest Control Technician
  • Job Team Technician
  • Rope Access Technician
  • Field Biologist
  • Account Manager (Surveyor)
  • Domestic Account Manager
  • Bird Control Specialist
  • Bed Bug Dog Handler
  • Falconer
  • Service Administrator
  • Sales Administrator
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Plus more…

One thing that we can guarantee is that when you join Pest Solutions, you will have access to industry-leading mentorship from experienced professionals and have all the opportunities you need to acquire transferrable skills and qualifications that will be invaluable throughout the rest of your career.

If you are interested in joining our team apply today by sending your CV to chris@pestsolutions.co.uk.

We are frequently creating new positions within our company in order to manage the large-scale growth we are experiencing, and even if we don’t have anything suitable right now, we would be happy to forward your information to another BPCA member that shares our commitment to excellence and passion for giving youth a chance.

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Homes and Businesses
from unwanted pests
22 years icon
Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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