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2023 LBEA Finalists Announced

2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists

The 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists have been announced. Our team here at Pest Solutions are delighted to be nominated as a finalist in the 2023 Excellence in Customer Service at the LBEA’s. As a business customer service excellence is at the core of what we do and we could not be more proud to be nominated as a finalist for this award for the second year in a row.

Customer Service Excellence Award Finalist - Pest Solutions - 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards

The 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists will find out how they have done at the awards ceremony that will be celebrated on Friday the 1st of September at the Motherwell Concert Hall.

The Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards are one of the most established and longest running business awards in Scotland and will see the Lanarkshire business community celebrate the success and diversity of its great companies.

The LBEA’s are organised by North and South Lanarkshire Councils and celebrate businesses from all sectors that operate in the regional area.

The winners of each category will be announced at the prestigious black tie Awards Dinner, which attracts over 400 guests, on Friday 1st September at Motherwell Concert Hall hosted by the one and only Fred MacAulay.

The 2023 LBEA’s are once again supported by some great sponsors including the events principle sponsor, one of Lanarkshire’s best known family businesses, Albert Bartlett. In addition the event is also sponsored by Visit Lanarkshire, Business Gateway Lanarkshire, Commsworld, Morgan Sindall, Lovell Homes, Procast Building Contracts, DYW Lanarkshire, North Lanarkshire’s Working and South Lanarkshire Works, Red Tree Business Suites & UKSE.

The team at Pest Solutions wishes the 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists the best of luck at the awards event.

Pest Solutions Proud LBEA Finalists

Pest Solutions are proud the be 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists in the “Customer Service Excellence” Award Category. Delivering customer service excellence is one of our core values within our business here at Pest Solutions and we are delighted to be recognised as finalists in this category for the second year in a row.

As a business, we consider that we are a customer service business first and a pest control company second and for this reason this nomination as 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists means so much to our team.

2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists - Pest Solutions - Customer Service Excellence Award Finalist

All the more so as our business roots are firmly in Lanarkshire as we were founded in Hamilton and although we have now expanded to provide professional pest control services throughout Scotland and the North of England, we very much consider ourselves a Lanarkshire business at heart.

To be a finalist again this year is an honour, as it is encouraging recognition for the great work our team at Pest Solutions do every day to protect our customers’ homes & businesses from pests.

Pest Solutions Managing Director, Chris Cagienard, said:

“It is humbling to see our team at Pest Solutions nominated as 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards finalists for the second year in a row. Lanarkshire is our home, where our business took its first steps. Looking after every customer in the right way as our team work hard to protect public health is so important to us. So to be nominated as a finalist in the “Customer Service Excellence” Award Category at the 2023 LBEA’s s it is a great recognition and validation of our team’s hard work and dedication. Our team are our greatest strength as a business. Their commitment to professionalism and passion to delight in customer service excellence has driven our business forward. Growth & professionalism is simply a by-product of the focus and attitude embedded in our team, and this award nomination highlights the great work our people do every day for their customers.”

Our expert team of pest professionals here at Pest Solutions send our best wishes and congratulations to all of the 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists. We look forwards to the Awards Dinner and celebrating with you all on the 1st of September.

Excellence in Customer Service Award Finalist

Pest Solutions are proud to be recognised as a finalist in the 2023 “Excellence in Customer Service” Award.

Sponsored by Visit Lanarkshire, the “Excellence in Customer Service” award recognises all businesses, including social enterprises based in Lanarkshire, that go above and beyond to offer excellence in customer service.

Pest Solutions - LBEA Customer Service Excellence Award Finalist - 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalist

At Pest Solutions, we focus on being a customer service company first and a pest control company second. Building the mindset in our team so that they delight in excellent customer service.

This is especially important as many of our clients experiencing a pest problem are potentially feeling significant distress, fear, or shame. People are often rightly concerned about the risk to public health or their business operations. Given the sensitive nature of a customer having a pest issue in their home or business, it is amazing to see how many of our clients make an effort to leave google review feedback for the great work of our service team.

With this customer-minded focus, by default, professionalism is the by-product.

We strive to be excellent in our customer service from first contact to post-job quality control. It is encouraging to be nominated finalists alongside other like-minded businesses and organisations.

The team at Pest Solutions would like to congratulate the other finalists on their nomination and wish them every success at the award ceremony. Well done, and we will be celebrating with all the 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists and championing great customer service.

The 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards finalists for “Excellence in Customer Service” are:

  • Cumbernauld Theatre Trust
  • Jigsaw Travel Ltd
  • Pest Solutions
  • USAVE Utility Contracts Ltd

Best of luck, and keep up the excellent customer service.

Thanks to Visit Lanarkshire for their sponsorship of this award.

2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists & Ceremony

The 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards have been launched by North and South Lanarkshire Councils. One of Scotland’s longest running awards, the Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards recognise and celebrate the success and achievements of local businesses.

2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists Announced - Good Luck To All Finalists

There was a record number of entries to the awards this year. The event aims to celebrate the success and achievements of Lanarkshire businesses and is hosted by North and South Lanarkshire Council.

Councillor Ayeshah Khan, Convener of North Lanarkshire Council’s Enterprise and Fair Work Committee said:

“Lanarkshire can boast a strong, diverse business sector with companies of all sizes delivering quality services and products across many service areas. The last few years have been challenging and our awards celebrate the achievements of businesses across the area who have shown their resilience and innovation in adapting to changing markets, financial situations and customer behaviours.”

Councillor Robert Brown, chairman of community and enterprise resources at South Lanarkshire Council, said:

“We have a tremendous range of innovative businesses across Lanarkshire in all sorts of sectors. This is great opportunity for them to show off their achievements. I am sure every business putting themselves forward will be of the usual high standard and reflect how they continue to thrive and work to overcome all the external issues that are being faced across the business sector and beyond. The strength and resilience of our local businesses never ceases to amaze me, and I look forward to seeing the high calibre of entries from across Lanarkshire.”

This year’s awards are sponsored by Albert Bartlett, which is celebrating its 75th year of business. Molly Borys, Marketing Manager at Albert Bartlett said:

“We are proud to sponsor the Lanarkshire business awards again this year as we believe in celebrating our community and the businesses that built it. As we turn 75, we can look back to our humble beginnings and know we have been part of the fantastic growth within Lanarkshire. We continue to support the community that has been such a big part of Albert Bartlett for all these years and look forward to another 75.”

The team at Pest Solutions congratulate all the 2023 finalists and wish everyone the best of luck at the awards event. For our business to be considered finalist is a great honour, especially as we are amongst such strong competition and other worthy finalists.

The full list of 2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists & Award Sponsors are as follows:

Lanarkshire’s Best New Business, sponsored by Business Gateway Lanarkshire:

  • MDH Recruitment Ltd
  • Net Zero Facades Ltd
  • Pomo Robotics
  • Rossco Training Academy

Lanarkshire’s Best Business (0-10 employees), sponsored by Clyde Gateway:

  • Big Bite Catering Ltd
  • CubeWraps
  • Jigsaw Travel Ltd
  • The Biggar Gallery

Lanarkshire’s Best Business (11-50 employees):

  • Bavarian Bakehouse
  • CD Architects Ltd
  • John McGeady Ltd
  • McCrae Training Ltd

Lanarkshire’s Best Business (51+ employees), sponsored by UKSE:

  • Antibody Analytics
  • Parker Technical Services
  • Probe Test Solutions
  • The Boxshop Ltd

Excellence in Customer Service, sponsored by Visit Lanarkshire:

  • Cumbernauld Theatre Trust
  • Jigsaw Travel Ltd
  • Pest Solutions
  • USAVE Utility Contracts Ltd

Lanarkshire Food & Drink Award, sponsored by DYW Lanarkshire:

  • Bavarian Bakehouse
  • Big Bite Catering Ltd
  • Lazy Day Foods Ltd
  • R&W Scott Ltd

Lanarkshire’s Apprentice of the Year Award, sponsored by North Lanarkshire’s Working and South Lanarkshire Works:

  • Elias Bleyl at Antibody Analytics
  • Kyle Burns at DMG Services Group
  • Alan Mackay at Mage Controls
  • Ross McMillan at MGB Services

Lanarkshire’s Innovation in Business Award, sponsored by Commsworld:

  • Cairn Ecology Ltd
  • Sprinktec Ltd
  • The Power Within Training
  • UK Rubber Ltd

Lanarkshire’s Green Business Award, sponsored by Procast Building Contracts:

  • Equis Ice Cream
  • Strathaven Airfield Ltd
  • Utopi Ltd

Lanarkshire Community Impact Award, sponsored by Morgan Sindall and Lovell Homes:

  • Climate Action Strathaven
  • Larkhall & District Volunteer Group
  • Morphit Gentle Movement Project
  • Motherwell FC Community Trust

2023 Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards Finalists. The winners of each category will be announced at the Awards Dinner on Friday 1st September at Motherwell Concert Hall.

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22 years icon
Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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