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Academic Relations Partnership

University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS)

Here at Pest Solutions, we take education and training seriously. We are proud to have been able to support the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Zoology Department in a number of recent events and have enjoyed fostering an academic relations partnership that will see us work more together in the future.

University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS) - Pest Solutions - BPCA - Professional Pest Control

We count a number of UWS Zoology graduates among our team here at Pest Solutions and have enjoyed participating in the University of the West of Scotland annual zoology conference each year for the last 2 years.

We hope that this developing working relationship will see us able to provide access for the UWS Zoology Department to BPCA member companies operating in the professional pest control industry and signpost students towards the rewarding career opportunities available in the pest control industry.

Academic Relations – University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS)

The UK pest control industry is an incredibly professional industry, and we are on the front line in the fight to protect the public health of the nation every day.

University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS) - Pest Solutions - BPCA - Zoology Conference

However, as an industry, although we have a wealth of professional experience and observation we are very light on the Data that has been collected in order to prove our professional opinions. This has now become a major issue as the pressure of attacks on the toolkit of a pest professional from tightening regulations, changing legislations, well-intentioned but misinformed animal welfare activists, and other issues such as product approval cost increases due to changes like Brexit are presenting challenges from all sides.

If we remain Data light then we will not be able to demonstrate and prove our professional opinions as the future of how the industry operates. We need to become experts in gathering actionable Data and evidence to prove or disprove the rationale for the decisions that impact pest control and public health, animal welfare and the environment.

For this reason building dynamic working relationships with Colleges and Universities such as UWS has never been more important.

We need to let the Data point us in the right direction for the future of professional pest control.

Annual UWS Zoology Conference 2022 & 2023

Pest Solutions were delighted to be able to send several members of our team to the 2022 & 2023 University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Zoology conference. In 2023 we were joined by Natalie Bungay, the technical manager of the British Pest Control Association, in order to exhibit and showcase the career opportunities available in the UK pest control industry.

University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS) - Pest Solutions - BPCA - Graduate Scheme Recruitment

This University of the West of Scotland event, held on the 27th of April 2023, was a huge success, with students presenting the findings of their research projects and potential employers from a number of industries able to speak to students about their futures.

Pest Solutions sent several of our Zoology Graduates, Gemma Sutherland & William Trivett, along with our Operations Manager, Iain Marks and Natalie Bungay of BPCA. They had a great time speaking to many students about life as a professional pest controller and what was involved in the day to day life of a rewarding career as a pest professional.

Our team were encouraged to see a high level of engagement with many students who previously knew very little about the life of a pest controller show a real interest in exploring the opportunities in the industry.

Our team also enjoyed some provisional discussions about the possibilities of Pest Solutions being able to offer work placements and potential research topics for undergraduate projects going forwards.

Promoting Pest Control Industry & Careers With The University Of The West Of Scotland

Building working relationships with academic institutions like the University of the West of Scotland is strategically important to Pest Solutions and to BPCA, the trade association for the professional pest control industry in the UK.

Pest Control Careers - University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS) - Pest Solutions - BPCA - Professional Pest Control

In 2020 Pest Solutions launched our Graduate Scheme, and our first recruit was University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Zoology Graduate Natasha Mackay. Natasha has been an incredible success in her career here at Pest Solutions and has become a true pest professional within our team and in the wider industry. She will shortly complete her Graduate Scheme and will be returning to University in Aberdeen to do her Masters.

We now have many graduates in our Pest Solutions Graduate Scheme with many of our team being recognised in local and UK industry awards for excellence. Since the launch of our Graduate Scheme here at Pest Solutions just over two years ago we have seen members of our team win the UK National Pest Awards “Young Pest Controller of the Year” category every year and we hope to see our nominated team members do well this year.

University Of The West Of Scotland (UWS) - Pest Solutions - BPCA - Become a Pest Professional

The professional pest control industry presents an excellent career opportunity for any young graduates looking to put their science degree to great practical use. When it comes to Zoology Graduates there are not many more practical applications of the skills and training gained. The battle to outsmart pest species by considering their Biology and Behavior and how this information can be used to overcome even the most stubborn infestations with minimal impact on the environment and animal welfare is incredibly rewarding.

BPCA Academic Relations Working Group

In order to forge closer working relationships with academic institutions and champion professional careers in the pest control industry for graduates, the BPCA Academic Relations Working Group was formed

BPCA Academic Relations Working Group - Volunteers Wanted - Pest Solutions

The work of the BPCA Academic Relations group is focussed equally on the following areas:

  • Building Relationships With Academic Institutions – Building these essential links with Universities and Colleges, like the University of the West of Scotland, will raise the profile of the professional pest control industry in the academic world. Signposting the ability for academic institutions to make use of the wealth of knowledge of BPCA Members, ensuring the pest control industry a voice in ongoing academic research.
  • Placing Pest Control Research Projects With Students – The professional pest control industry has a real need to see some of our research ideas come to fruition, and many institutions have a need for real practical research topics for their students. This group aims to align these two parties giving students and institutions access to our BPCA Member Companies for field research, placements and a dynamic, ongoing relationship between students and pest control companies and BPCA.
  • Showcasing Professional Careers For Graduates – The professional pest control industry is an incredibly rewarding and viable career for young professionals with ambition. With 40% of our UK industry due to retire in the next 10 years the career opportunities for young people and graduates entering the industry has never been greater.

We encourage more BPCA Members and their employees to get involved in groups like the Academic Relations Working Group in order to drive forwards the collection of Data that will help us protect the future of our industry and the protection of public health.

Is The Professional Pest Control Industry The Career For You..?

Were you a recent science graduate from an institution like the University of the West of Scotland.

Here at Pest Solutions we are committed to building the right culture within our business and that starts with our team. As we celebrate the incredible young men & women within our business and the wider industry and we are proud of what we have achieved. However, we are even more excited about what we will see happen in the future of our business and the pest control industry.

With 40% of the UK pest control industry due to retire in the next 10 years, there has never been a better time for young people and graduates to consider a rewarding career in the pest control industry. Young people who enter the industry, become excellent and apply themselves will have the career freedom to achieve whatever they put their mind to.

The industry average female employment is currently reported at 4.5%. At Pest Solutions are seeing the balance much closer to equality at 40-45% (May 2023) … But could this be higher?

I am sure it could. When we undertake new recruitment, the number of applicants is heavily male-dominated. Yet our hiring looks more balanced. This is because we select the best candidates regardless of gender. If you have the right attitude and a passion to be the best, we want you in our team.

I would like to see more women consider the pest control industry as the exciting career it can be. We work hard to promote the industry as a career choice for all. Are you a recent science graduate? Are you looking for a fulfilling workplace?

If so, we would love to speak to you.

Due to our growth, we are regularly looking for new recruits in Scotland and the North of England.

Apply today by sending your CV to chris(at)pestsolutions.co.uk . If we do not have any positions available or if you are outside of the area we cover I would be happy to forward your CV to another like-minded professional BPCA Member company that may be able to speak to you.

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Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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