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Glasgow Rat Infestations Rise

Taking On Glasgow’s 31% Rise In Rodent Infestations

Glasgow has been branded one of the UK’s worst Cities for Rodent Infestations. A Freedom of Information request has shown that rodent reports in Glasgow have increased by 31 per cent in the past year.

The City of Glasgow had the fifth highest call out rate for rodents in the UK according to information obtained by an insurance company. Only Swansea, Southwark, Birmingham and Liverpool had higher numbers than Glasgow.

A recent survey carried out by Direct Line insurance showed that Rodent Infestations throughout the UK are on the increase. Direct Line contacted all councils in the UK and found there had been 225,430 rodent infestations reported in 2022, equivalent to 618 per day.

Pest Control Glasgow. The Glasgow city council had 10,323 reports of rodents from residents in 2022 compared with 7,894 in 2021. The five cities with the most reports of Rodent Infestations were:

  1. Swansea
  2. Southwark
  3. Birmingham
  4. Liverpool
  5. Glasgow

Dan Simson, Head of Direct Line Home Insurance, said:

“Mice and rats pose a real risk to the home and people’s health. They take advantage of issues like broken pipes, slipped roof tiles or holes in skirting to gain access to a property, often causing serious damage to the structural integrity of a building or belongings. We recommend that anyone with an infestation contact either their local authority or an extermination service to have it taken care of professionally.”

As a professional pest control company and BPCA member that cover all of Scotland and the North of England with our head office located in Glasgow, Pest Solutions are on the frontline taking on the rise in Rodent Infestations every day.

Pest Solutions had Chanel 5 News and STV News join Graduate Service Technicians, Gemma Sutherland and Chloe Smith on the streets of Glasgow. This gave a valuable in insight into the challenges that they face every day as they take on the rise in Rodent Infestations that the City of Glasgow is experiencing. Thanks to the teams at Chanel 5 (ITN) and STV for helping to raise awareness of the Rodent issues affecting our cities.

Gemma Sutherland the winner of the 2022 UK National Pest Awards “Young Pest Controller of the Year” Award uses her high level of training and her skills as a Zoology Graduate to target the biology and behaviour of Rodents solving infestations and protecting public health. One of the new breed of young professional pest controllers she works hard to protect the homes and businesses of the West End of Glasgow.

Environmental Health Masters Graduate, Chloe Smith, who was also one of the three finalists in last years “Young Pest Controller of the Year” Award covers the Glasgow City Centre area and has a depth of knowledge in the challenges that are resulting in the rise of rodent infestations in cities throughout the UK.

Why Are Rodent Infestations On The Rise In Cities Like Glasgow

There are 4 main species of Rodent Infestation that you are likely to encounter in the UK with only 3 of these really posing an issue as pests. These are:

  1. Brown Rats (Rattus norvegicus) – The most common Rat in the UK. Also known as Norway Rat & Common Rat
  2. Black Rats (Rattus rattus) – Rare and mostly found at harbour/port locations. Also known as the Ship Rat or Roof Rat.
  3. House Mouse (Mus domesticus / musculus) – The most common pest causing rodent infestations. Mostly live inside our homes & businesses.
  4. Field Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) – Mostly live outside and if not infesting homes or businesses are generally not considered a pest species.

Additionally Grey Squirrels are a member of the Rodent family and a common pest in the UK but we will not cover them in this article as they present in a different way.

These 4 species are regarded the most serious rodent infestations worldwide and are often referred to as the “Commensal Rodents”. The word “Commensal” in Latin means to “share ones table” and perfectly sums up how these rodents live in close proximity or mankind.

Pest Professionals Protecting Public Health - Chloe Smith - Pest Solutions

These rodent species perfectly exploit everything about where we live and where we work, readily infesting our homes and businesses. They have adapted their behaviour and choice of food source to thrive on the food we store and the waste we dispose of.

Rats and Mice are able to breed prolifically and an small infestation can escalate very quickly to become out of control. They are very agile and are great climbers easily making their way around our buildings from basements to lofts.

They can gain access to our homes and businesses through the smallest of gaps with Mice able to squeeze through gaps as small as 6mm. That means if you can fit a biro pen through a gap that a mouse could also fit through that gap. This just goes to show how hard it is to keep them out of our buildings.

In our towns and cities there is a ready supply of food, water, harbourage (shelter) and favourable temperatures giving them everything they need to thrive.

Mice and Rat infestations are on the rise because of a number of factors that lend to their survival and give them a massive advantage over our attempts to keep them under control.

It is important to consider that the reported increase in Rodent activity is only the tip of the iceberg. Most Rat & Mouse infestations in the UK are not reported to Councils or Local Authorities and are handled by commercial pest control companies or DIY control methods.

Gemma Sutherland - Pest Professional - Glasgows Rise In Rodent Infestations - Pest Solutions

Rodent populations in Glasgow and other cities are increasing at rates beyond what the professional pest control industry can cope with. For this reason it is vital that members of the public work with pest controllers to win the battle. We need to make our homes and businesses less attractive to pests in the first place rather than having to control infestations after they happen.

Prevention is always better than the need for a cure.

Rodent Infestations – Factors For Pest Survival

A pest thrives in a particular location because the conditions are suitable for the development and support of a population. A number of different factors can be important, and understanding how they benefit pests we can begin to formulate their control.

  • Food Source – There will usually be an available food source that will be used either for sustenance or for harbourage, maybe even as an egg-laying site. Spillages in a kitchen or food environment may be perceived as inconsequential, but in the case of fruit flies it is the sole attractant. The regular removal of refuse would remove the potential food sources for all pests ad should not be overlooked. The amount of food required to sustain a population will vary according to the species concerned, however limiting availability will have a direct proportional effect on the pest population levels. Obviously larger creatures will require larger quantities of foods. Some species however, such as stored product insects and mites, often live entirely within their food.
  • Harbourage – Most pests need shelter or harbourage. Many animals spend much of their time apparently doing nothing in particular and need somewhere to rest undisturbed and protected. This applies as much to foxes as to cockroaches. In some cases the shelter will provide refuge, whether from predators, pesticide sprays, or a cleaning mop! Many creatures will use such harbourage for the development of their young and they can become food storage locations with poor cleaning. Preventing access to such locations, or proofing, will assist with naturally controlling pest levels.
  • Temperature – Temperature manipulation can be a significant factor, particularly in the development of populations. Low temperatures will not necessarily kill any pest species, unless below zero degrees can be maintained for a period of time, but reproduction rates may remain at a low level until circumstances improve. However caution must be exercised when lower temperatures exist, particularly with insect infestations, as activities such as movement will also reduce making it more difficult to identify if pests are in-fact present.
  • Water Supply – Water is a necessary factor for the survival of all creatures. The quantity of water and the potential sources will vary between species; however understanding how it may be utilised can also contribute to effective management. Rats need to consume water for survival so eliminating or minimising the availability is a positive action, and in dry / dusty environments liquid rodenticides can contribute to effective control. However the house mouse can exist on very little water and its intake is largely regulated by the moisture content of its food and the external temperature, so eliminating available water will have minimal impact.

Littering Is Our Public Shame

Littering in our towns and cities is one of the most significant factors leading to increases in Mouse and Rat Infestations.

In the UK we are so bad at dropping litter. It is truly our public shame. You do not have to look hard in our town and cities, and even in our beautiful countryside, to see the blight that is causes by those who have such little respect for the environment to drop litter.

Win the War on Littering - Pest Solutions - Glasgows Rise In Rodent Infestations

I feel so strongly about this and I would go as far to say if you drop litter you have no respect for the world you live in and the people you share it with. In fact you have no respect for yourself.

I remember when I was young we had the “Keep Britain Tidy” campaign, something I would live to see our government bring back. We need nation to be reminded of our obligation to be good stewards of the beautiful country we have. We need enforcement and penalties for littering and fly tipping to be severe to make an example of the idiots that are our disgrace. How people can live in the mess they leave at their own backsides is beyond me.

Just in case you don’t understand how strongly I and many like minded people feel about littering I will put it plainly:

If you drop litter you are the scum of the earth!

Put a stop to your disgraceful behaviour and have a little respect for yourself!

If we are to have any chance at all of all of the professional pest controllers in the UK winning the war on Rodent Populations in our towns and cities it starts with us winning the war on littering.

Rodents Are Getting Harder To Control In Our Towns & Cities

Even if we can win the war on littering and have more respect for ourselves there are many other challenges that are making the battle to keep Rat and Mouse Infestations in our homes and businesses under control:

Pest Solutions - The Pest Professionals - Glasgows Rise In Rodent Infestations

  • Chemical Resistance – Are you aware of the resistance status of the Rats & Mice in your area to Rodenticides? A trained Pest Professional understands this. There are many instances throughout the UK of resistance to Rodenticides in Rat & Mouse populations. A professional pest controller will take tail samples and send them off to the Animal & Plant Agency for DNA testing to show resistance. This means they will know which products will work in which areas and not use as Rodenticide the Rats and Mice are resistant to which would result in simply feeding the pests. Ask your pest controller if they know the resistance status of Rodents in your area. They should know.
  • Behavioural Resistance – Rodents are not only genetically resistant to some rodenticides. They can also develop Behavioural Resistance, sometimes referred to as Bait Shyness or Trap Shyness. A professional pest controller will understand this and carry out a treatment that will be effective. If Rodents do not interact with your control measures than the treatment will not be effective. A professional will use their knowledge of Behaviour and Biology of the pest to win the battle and adapt as required.
    Restrictions To The Professional Pest Controllers Toolkit – With the increased cost to register products in the UK now that we are no longer part of Europe some products have become economically unviable to be made available in the UK. Also, increasing restriction of Biocides and tightening regulation is removing vital tools from the toolkit of a professional pest controller. The professional pest control industry via the BPCA is fighting to keep the tools needed to allow us to protect your public health.
  • Environmental Considerations – Everything a professional pest controller does is considered in light of making a minimal impact on the environment. When we use Rodenticides, Insecticides and any toxic product we carry out a full environmental risk assessment. Did you know that it is a legal responsibility to recover and remove any spend rodenticide and dispose of it correctly. Could you be unknowingly breaking the law by misusing DIY products for the control of Rodents. Use a professional pest controller to avoid this liability.
  • Humane Practices – Professional Pest Controller are animal lovers and conservationists. When advice, preventative measures and exclusion fail a Pest Professional knows that if they are the person who has to humanly dispatch and animal that if they are the person doing it it will be done well. Have you considered what you will do if you catch a live rodent. Should you let it go? It is often incredibly inhumane to release an animal in a foreign environment where it will likely suffer considerably and potentially die anyway. How will you dispatch it? Do you know that if you catch and animal you legally become responsible for its welfare. Do you know how to humanely dispatch and animal or the harm you could cause by doing it wrong? Do you know that drowning an animal is breaking the law? Using a professional pest controller is the way to guarantee the most humane outcome for the animal involved.
  • Ineffective DIY Control – As a professional pest control company, we at Pest Solutions often have to pick up where DIY pest control has been ineffective. Although the cost of buying DIY products can seem like the cheaper option many people end up spending considerably more to actually end an infestation. Best value if to start by using a professional pest controller. Remember to only use a BPCA member company.

Rodent Infestations – Local Authorities & Councils Under Pressure

In many cases where the instances of Mouse and Rat Infestations are rising like what has been reported in these recent figures it is common to hear the Local Authority or Council blamed. However, I think this is largely unfair.

With the current economy and financial pressures on local authority budgets the Council Pest Control services are being squeezed to provide an increased service on a lower budget. Something has to give.

For many years the Glasgow City Council Pest Control Service was largely subsidised providing a great service to those who were eligible to use the service but this is becoming unsustainable for this to continue. Local Council Pest Controllers are under an increasing amount of pressure to do more work with less resources. For this reason many council services are having to charge increased fees.

In many cases, using a private commercial business such as Pest Solutions or another BPCA member can have a similar cost to using the Council services. All of our treatments come with a 30 day guarantee from the date of the final visit.

Local Authority Pest and Commercial Pest Controllers need to work together to overcome the issues in our towns and cities.

Although the video above of our young female professional pest controllers, Chloe & Gemma, showing their calm when dealing with Rat Infestations in contrast to the big burley refuse collectors running away from Rats can come across as funny to watch it is in fact a serious matter. Council refuse collectors are at risk from the real health challenges that working with over flowing Rat infested bins poses. It is unfair to put them in this situation.

You can help them to remain safe at work by not over filling your bins or by not placing loose binbags next to full bins. We need to be helping our refuse collectors to be able to work safely by doing our part and not making it easy for the Rats.

Pest Solutions – The Pest Professionals

Pest Solutions are on the front line of the battle to control pests in Glasgow and throughout the UK.

Our expert team of Pest Professionals like Gemma and Chloe are here to help with advice, training and to control even the most stubborn rodent infestations.

With infestations getting harder to control and with the risk to your public health we would always recommend using a professional pest control company like Pest Solutions or a similar BPCA member.

Get in touch today on 0141 280 7323 to arrange a treatment visit, Free survey or for advice.

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from unwanted pests
22 years icon
Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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