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Pest Solutions Retiains SSIP Health & Safety Accreditation

SSIP Health & Safety Accreditation Retained

SSIP Health & Safety Accreditation Retained. Pest Solutions have reaffirmed our commitment to protecting our staff and customers at all times by renewing our SSIP health & safety accreditations.

We are proud to confirm that we passed our SafeContractor, Constructionline Gold, and CHAS assessments first time, testament to the hard work of our staff in abiding by the strict health and safety requirements that obtaining these accreditations requires.

This renewal is the latest in a series of commitments that we have made in making the Pest Control industry as safe and sustainable as possible for our staff, customers, and the general public.

Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) is the umbrella term for a group of member assessment bodies that are considered as the best in the country when it comes to assessing health and safety adherence.

We believe that the best way to maintain the high standards that we have set for ourselves in everything we do is to be held accountable by expert auditors, and SSIP accreditation is widely recognised as the industry standard for companies serious about health and safety.

What is SSIP Health & Safety Accreditation?

SSIP is a forum of different health and safety assessment schemes that have come together to provide some clarity to businesses on the acceptable interpretation of health and safety standards in the UK.

Accreditation is not issued by the SSIP themselves, but rather individually by their members, but in order to retain their status, members must base their assessments on the SSIP core criteria.

The SSIP forum is made up of a number of different health and safety assessment schemes who have agreed to come together as part of an umbrella organisation to facilitate mutual recognition of different accreditation bodies.

A huge problem for contractors in the UK was the need to be assessed by multiple different health and safety schemes, many of which covered the same areas.

When you become health and safety approved by an SSIP member, however, all other members recognise your competence and that you have met the criteria for certain sections of their schemes as well. This can help you save a huge amount of money on several very similar assessments.

Whilst each of these different assessment schemes focusses on a different area of health and safety compliance, they all agree to build their assessments around the core health and safety criteria set out by the HSE.

Why Get SSIP Health & Safety Accreditation?

Using an SSIP member to secure health and safety accreditation gives weight to the certification due to the high standards of quality control, competence, and qualifications required to become a member.

The SSIP was first founded to provide standardisation to health and safety assessments in the construction industry, but has now become far more, with members assessing the practices of companies in a huge variety of different sectors, such as Pest Control.

The specific accreditations each company should seek are industry specific but using SSIP members to acquire them is a universally recognised sign of legitimacy.

Many companies will only use contractors who have SSIP accreditation due to the guarantee that health and safety regulations will be carefully adhered to throughout the time they are on the premises.

Our Safety Schemes In Procurement (SSIP) Accreditations

At Pest Solutions, we currently hold three accreditations from SSIP forum members recognising our compliance with health and safety legislation.

Each of these assessments are judged on the core criteria (threshold standard) for basic health and safety compliance approved by the HSE. These are:

SafeContractor Accredited Pest Control Company

Pest Solutions is a SafeContractor Accredited Pest Control Company. SafeContractor are one of the founders of SSIP, have over 21 years’ experience in the health and safety accreditation business, and have the UK’s largest in-house team of health and safety, equal opportunities, diversity, and environmental management auditors.

As a company who are fully committed to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety in everything we do, applying for SafeContractor accreditation was a no brainer.

Securing SafeContractor accreditation provides both SSIP and PAS91 certification and gaining the status requires a company to pass a variety of assessments concerning health, safety, financial, and ethical practices.

SafeContractor accreditation was first founded with a focus on the construction industry but their assessments are now applicable to a wide range of different industries and over 35,000 businesses have now become members.

We believe that SafeContractor accreditation is a must have for responsible Pest Management companies, due to the particular focus that they put on industry specific areas such as working at height permits and hazardous material handling.

Many of our commercial clients have a preferred supplier list and having SafeContractor accreditation is often a prerequisite for inclusion. Their insurance may even list SSIP accreditation as a requirement for any contractor carrying out work on site.

Having this accreditation means we can confidently assure clients that everything will be done to eliminate risk whilst we rid their property of pest issues.

CHAS Accredited Pest Control Company

Pest Solutions have achieved the status of being a CHAS Accredited Pest Control Company. CHAS is the UK’s leading provider of compliance and risk management solutions with some of the very biggest brands choosing their award winning accreditation.

CHAS membership helps to demonstrate to clients that our business complies with all the appropriate risk management regulations, and that solutions are in place to minimise the chances of accidents or malpractice.

The moment that someone sees that they are dealing with a CHAS accredited company they will instantly be reassured that they have the qualifications and certifications required.

In an industry where customer confidence is so important, businesses across the UK trust us to keep their properties pest free and maintain their good reputation, CHAS accreditation is a hallmark of quality and responsibility we are proud to possess.

Being a CHAS member also helps us to save time and money by reducing the duplication of prequalification questionnaires (PQQs) and the need for a much larger number of accreditations than we already possess.

It also gives us access to a huge library of industry approved health and safety learning courses that are available to all our staff be it management, office staff, or service technicians.

Constructionline Gold Accredited Pest Control Company

Pest Solutions are proud to be a  Constructionline Gold Accredited Pest Control Company. Constructionline were a founding member of the SSIP and are made up of a team of health and safety professionals, making them the go to choice for well over 3,000 UK businesses.

As the name suggests, Constructionline helps buyers to identify trustworthy construction suppliers but also validate the use of a wide range of products that are used in the Pest Control Industry.

There are numerous membership levels available from Constructionline with Gold being the most popular and sought after option.

There are certainly cheaper accreditations available but obtaining Gold involves illustrating that you are willing to be subjected to the highest level of scrutiny in regard to safety and risk management.

We see this as a great investment. Many clients look for Constructionline Gold accreditations when choosing contractors and have found that holding this certification allows us to secure more work than ever before.

Many of the biggest buyers in the UK demand that their suppliers meet Gold membership as a minimum so failing to do so would put us at a disadvantage.

Constructionline Gold not only ensures that we are abiding by PAS 92 but also goes above and beyond the industry standard for health and safety checks.

Acquiring Constructionline Gold status involves enhanced validation checks that include environmental and quality management, equal opportunities, and diversity.

To have so many of the key pillars of our business held to account through a single accreditation is a huge positive for us here at Pest Solutions and we were delighted to receive this accreditation again this year.

Pest Solutions – Putting Safety First

There are several reasons why health and safety are so important in pest management and why we make it such a big part of both our company ethos and the training undertaken by our pest technicians working in the field.

Firstly, legal reasons. Many of the best practices assessed by SSIP members are actually legal requirements under legislation, such as the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and failing to abide by them could see us lose the licences that allow us to do what we do, as well as leading to more serious legal consequences.

Most importantly, health and safety are crucial to the welfare of our employees and our customers.
Pest Control is an industry filled with potential hazards that could cause serious harm if the proper care and attention is not taken.

During a standard day’s work for one of our expert pest technicians they will face numerous situations where there is a genuine risk of harm if best practice is not adhered to.

These include:

  • Driving vehicles containing pesticides and other potentially hazardous pest control equipment
  • Driving vans and other vehicles in busy towns and cities
  • The application of pesticides containing harmful chemicals
  • The setting and placing of traps
  • Operating at heights
  • Operating in adverse weather conditions

This is just a small number of the hazards faced by our staff every single day and ensuring that they are aware of their health and safety responsibilities through regular training is vital.

As an employer we also have a duty of care to our staff & customers and take this incredibly seriously.

This is why as a company, Pest Solutions are fully committed to maintaining the highest possible level of health and safety and put ourselves through a number of voluntary audits to ensure our standards never drop.

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22 years icon
Brown House Moth
(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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