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ISO9001 & ISO14001 Accreditation Retained

Pest Solutions Retains ISO9001 & ISO14001 Accreditation

Pest Solutions Retains ISO9001 & ISO14001 Accreditation. We are very proud to announce that following a recent audit from a QMS professional, we have retained our ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 certifications.

At Pest Solutions, we take pride in doing everything with the utmost professionalism and are delighted that no corrective actions were required for us to meet the industry standards for quality or environmental management systems.

But what exactly do these certifications mean? And why are they so important for a responsible company operating within the pest control industry?

ISO9001 Accreditation – Quality Management Systems

The ISO9001 quality assurance standard is followed by a huge number of different companies across the entire world.

It indicates that a company provides quality products and services and is committed to continuing to work towards achieving quality in the future.

ISO9001 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the ISO9001 standards group that can be certified through an official audit.

Over one million companies in over 170 countries around the world are certified to standard ISO9001.

In order to successfully achieve ISO9001 accreditation, a company must demonstrate that a number of different quality management principles are being applied to the work the company does.

Quality standards assessed under an ISO9001:2015 audit include:

  • A customer driven outlook
  • Leadership
  • Engagement
  • Improvement
  • Decision Making
  • Relationship Management
  • Process Approach

ISO9001 Accredited Pest Control Company

As a company that has built its success on the quality of the services we provide to our customers in Scotland and across the North of England, being ISO9001 accredited is essential to us.

In the Pest Control industry, there are no legal restrictions on who can perform pest control services, something that we very much hope will change in the future.

For this reason, it can be hard for members of the public to know where to turn for reliable and safe services when they discover a pest issue in their home.

We are proud members of the British Pest Control Association, the industry trade association, aiming to add a level of professionalism to the industry by creating a database of trusted companies committed to training and quality services. ISO 9001:2015 accreditation is another way for us to demonstrate that we are committed to the highest possible level of quality control and quality management, reassuring customers that they are in safe hands when they come to Pest Solutions for help.

Obtaining Our ISO9001:2015 Reaccreditation

In order to obtain our ISO9001:2015 reaccreditation there were a few important steps that we needed to go through to demonstrate we could meet the quality requirements needed to pass.

Firstly, a company wide implementation strategy was developed to ensure we were maintaining the high standards expected by our customers and required by the ISO audit.

Then we made sure that everyone in our company was aware of the standards expected of them and were committed to maintaining them.

As the ease at which we received our reaccreditation suggests, our staff are fully supportive of the quality standards we insist on.

All procedures used to achieve maximum quality were documented, alongside a clear description of the processes that needed particular attention.

It is a requirement of ISO9001 that a company must abide by the documents they create to maintain quality standards. At Pest Solutions these standards are second nature to our staff who use these documents of best practice to continually strive for improvement.

We also reinforce the importance of adhering to the ISO9001:2015 standards to our staff both verbally and through continued training.

Finally, in order to receive our official reaccreditation, we were subject to a random external audit from an official QMS auditor.

We were delighted to pass with flying colours with no corrective actions to our current practices required.

ISO14001 Accreditation – Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001:2015 is the international standard for an environmental management system that companies can use to enhance environmental performance and ensure that their environmental responsibilities are being met.

As one of Scotland’s leading Pest Control companies, our environmental impact is something that we are constantly monitoring and conformity with ISO14001:2015 is a cornerstone of the work we do.

There are strict legal guidelines on the use of pesticides, for example, to ensure they are not spread in areas that may harm non-target species.

It is essential to us, therefore, that we uphold the very highest standards of Environmental management within all our practices, and achieving reaccreditation of ISO14001:2015 with no corrective actions required is an indication that our hard work is paying off in this regard.

When used in conjunction with our own environmental policy, ISO14001:2015 is designed to help with the development of an environmental management system that:

  • Enhances Environmental Performance
  • Fulfils compliance obligations
  • Achieved environmental objectives.

ISO14001 Accredited Pest Control Company

Compliance with ISO14001:2015 demonstrates our commitment to conducting all our services in an environmentally responsible manner.

Environmental responsibility is a huge part of any trustworthy Pest Control company’s ethos and at Pest Solutions we are fully committed to leading the industry in this regard.

The threat of irresponsible pest control to humans, animals, plants, and other living organisms is monumental and this is one of the biggest reasons that we are so in favour of further regulation and professionalism within the industry.

Just some of the potential dangers associated with failing to be environmentally conscious when attempting pest control services include:

  • Pollution of air and water with dangerous chemicals from pesticides
  • The accidental killing of non-target species and plants
  • Health problems for humans in the nearby vicinity as a result of chemical exposure. In the past, pesticide malpractice has been found responsible for respiratory problems, certain cancers, and a range of other serious medical conditions.
  • The death of non-animal organisms, microorganisms within soil, for example, that are critical to the eco-system.

Any of these disastrous consequences would almost certainly rightly spell the end for a pest control company and could result in some extremely serious legal consequences.

This is why training and being held to account is so important and is a major reason that we put ourselves through voluntary accreditation processes like acquiring BPCA membership and ISO certification.

As well as training our expert staff to use products in the most appropriate manner, we also use the most eco-friendly products whenever possible. These products create far fewer carbon emissions during the manufacturing process than artificial alternatives and should be used whenever possible.

The impact that we are all having on the environment is at the forefront of many people’s minds with the general public being more environmentally conscious than ever before.

Having ISO14001 accreditation certified by QMS will help to reassure customers that we abide by all the increasingly stringent environmental laws and regulations

Obtaining Our ISO14001:2015 Reaccreditation

As part of the ISO 14001:2015 reaccreditation process, an external audit was conducted by an expert QMS auditor.

As with our successful ISO14001:2015 accreditation, we passed the audit with ease, with the management system in place judged to be more than effective and requiring no adaptations to be made.

The reaccreditation process for obtaining ISO14001:2015 certification through a QMS audit is split into 3 key stages, each of which we were delighted to sail through with flying colours, a nice indication that the hard work that we have been putting in in regards to environmental standards are paying off.

These stages were:

Gap Analysis:
A QMS consultant visited us to review our current processes and documentation regarding our environmental procedures. This stage is designed to highlight the areas where a company is not currently meeting the standards required for accreditation, but we were pleased to find that no corrective actions were found to be required at Pest Solutions.

The implementation stage of ISO14001:2015 certification is where any procedural changes noted in the Gap Analysis stage are put in place so that when the audit is carried out, the company is operating fully in accordance with the standard. As we were applying for reaccreditation, rather than first time accreditation, we have been operating in this highly responsible manner for some time now, but we were glad to find that our standards had not dropped in this time. A review of existing processes is always welcome as it keeps us on our toes and helps us ensure we maintain the incredibly high standards that we have built our business on.

With no changes recommended, the QMS auditor issued us with our ISO14001:2015 certification, reaffirming our status as a company that cares deeply about our impact on the environment and is a responsible choice for customers across Scotland and the North of England looking for expert pest management services.

Pest Solutions: The Responsible Choice For Pest Control Services

As an ISO9001 and ISO14001 registered firm we operate to the highest possible industry standards in regard to environmental protection and quality assurance.

For our customers, this means that not only will they receive service from highly qualified expert technicians with access to the very latest and most effective pest control products, but also that they can be content in the knowledge that these products will be used in an environmentally friendly way.

We know just how stressful a pest problem can be, and the thought of having pesticides, traps, or other lethal control products on your property can be just as stressful.

The knowledge that this will be done in a safe and responsible way that is designed carefully to avoid putting non-target species, pets, or humans nearby in any danger will help allay some of these concerns and make the whole process a lot more comfortable.

At the end of the day, these standards are important for our ethos as a company, but we always put the customer first here at Pest Solutions and the main reason behind applying for these certifications is to ensure that we are providing them with the best possible service at all times.

If you are looking for Pest Control services of any kind, always use a company that is ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 accredited. We very much hope that you will choose us, but by looking for these standards you will ensure the company you do use is responsible and holds themselves to account.

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(Hofmannophila pseudospretella)
Family – Oecophoridae
AKA – Brown House Moth
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