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PPOW Hospice Appeal

Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice Light Up A Life Appeal

The team at Pest Solutions were delighted to have 4 of our senior management team take part in the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice Light Up A Life Appeal by volunteering for the charity collection during the Christmas Lights switch-on at Glasgow Central Station.

Directors Chris & Andy and their wives Susanne & Amanda had a great time speaking to the generous members of the Glasgow public who were kind enough to donate their loose change helping the hospice to raise an impressive ÂŁ1,016.53. This is the highest amount collected at this annual event. The Pest Solutions team were joined by David & Katie from Advantage Accounting.

Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice - Light Up A Life Appeal - Pest Solutions

We are proud to be supporters of the fantastic work done by Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, and our team were delighted to wrap up warm and help out with the collection efforts on the day. The kind contributions of the wonderful Glasgow public ensured that this was the most successful in the event’s history.

The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice is a registered Scottish Charity providing palliative end-of-life care to those with life-limiting conditions living in South Glasgow and Renfrewshire from their purpose-built Hospice in Bellahouston Park.

As a now nationwide company, we still have our roots firmly in the heart of the city and are always looking to contribute to the most important causes in Glasgow. There is no better cause than supporting the care given by the incredible staff at the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice and when offered the chance to send a team down to help raise some funds we jumped at the opportunity.

Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice

The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice was first founded in 1980 and has been providing high-quality person-centred care to individuals affected by life-limiting conditions and their families.

Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice - Glasgow Central Collection - Pest Solutions

Family and patients are right at the heart of everything the hospice does and were the very first in Scotland to use the Scandinavian Sengetun model of palliative care, specifically designed to prioritise wellbeing and a sense of calm.

In 2018, they opened their new hospice in Bellahouston Park in the South side of Glasgow, allowing them the flexibility to offer the highest possible standard of care in a relaxing and homely environment.

This hospice provides a compassionate place of care for those diagnosed with life shortening conditions including cancer, heart failure, lung disease or neurological conditions.

The main focus of the hospice is to create a place where patients are treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve and gives peace of mind to carers.
As well as providing support for patients, the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice offers care for family members and carers influenced by life-shortening illnesses.
These services include social work, counselling, and emotional and spiritual support.

Importance Of Fundraising For The Hospice

A percentage of the funding required to provide this extensive range of services alongside the running of a fully functional Hospice comes from the NHS, but nowhere near enough to maintain the highest standards of care the Hospice provides.

Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice - Christmas Lights Switch On - Pest Solutions

Each and every year more than ÂŁ3 million pounds needs to be raised through donations and fundraising simply to keep the hospice doors open.
Without fundraising efforts such as the Light up a Life campaign, this just wouldn’t be possible and the generosity of supporters from all over the world is the foundation of their work.

The people of Glasgow have shown time after time just how much they care about caring for each other by supporting events and fundraising efforts by the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice.

The fact that this year, amid all the financial pressures faced by so many, a record breaking amount of money was raised at the Central Station collection, demonstrates once again the community spirit which we are so proud to be a part of.

Proud Supporters of The Hospice?

The incredible work done by the hospice is only partially funded via the NHS and they are only able to continue providing the fantastic services that they do thanks to the generosity of the people of Glasgow and beyond.

At Pest Solutions, we are now a UK wide company, but at still based right here in Glasgow and our heart will always be in the city. We feel a responsibility to do everything we can to contribute to important causes in the community and there are none more worthwhile than the work done by the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice.

This is why when we were asked if we would like to assist with fundraising efforts this festive season we were delighted to help out and couldn’t be happier that the event was such a big success.

Light up a Life Appeal – How Can You Help?

As successful as the Central Station Christmas Lights switch on event was, maintaining the outstandingly high levels of compassionate person-centred care offered by the hospice requires continual funding all year round, and fundraising is a key part of their success.

Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice - Christmas Collection - Pest Solutions

Any financial support that you are able to give to the hospice will help in a massive way and ensure that the hospice can continue to provide care to the people in Glasgow that need it most.

The Light up a Life appeal is a campaign by hospices across the UK that gives people the opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one at Christmas, whilst also contributing to a fantastic cause.

By donating to the Prince and Princess of Wales hospice Light up a Life appeal you can dedicate a light to your loved one that will shine on the Christmas tree in the grounds of the hospice.

Their name will also appear in the Glasgow Times Light up a Life special, and the order of service for the hospice carol service.

Make A Donation

Glasgow’s Hospice is only able to do the work they do thanks to the donations and support of the Glasgow community. We encourage all those who are able, to make a donation this Christmas, or at any other time, via the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice website.

Your donation could be a one off contribution, an ongoing payment, or a gift in your will. However you choose to support them, rest assured that your money will be used to back every second count for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

For more information on how to donate, or any other ways in which you can support the fantastic work done by the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice visit:


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